Joel is an experienced tattoo artist who enjoys creating colour realism and black and grey pieces. He is an absolute all-rounder and is highly skilled in all styles of tattooing.

Joel Salter
How long have you been tattooing for?
I started my apprenticeship in November 2003
Where did you grow up and how long have you been tattooing in QLD?
I grew up in small industrial town called Gladstone and then moved to Rockhampton before settling on the Gold Coast.
Did you do an apprenticeship or are you self taught?
My “apprenticeship” lasted 6 months before my master left the shop and I became the only tattooer. So was taught the basics and then thrown in the deep end.
What is your preferred style of tattooing?
I love doing most styles and was one of the first tattooists in Australia to specialise in colour realism. Now I mainly do black and grey realism
Do you practice any other artistic mediums outside of tattooing?
I am also an oil painter but haven’t picked up the brush for a few years, maybe I’ll get back into it soon...
What do you like to do when you are not tattooing?
I enjoy bodybuilding, being a dad and love cars and Harleys.
What advice do you have for someone wanting to collect new tattoo art?Treat your tattoos as you would an expensive car, keep it out of the sun as much as possible and take care of them