Rah is a colour, macabre and sci-fi superstar! His art always captures incredible detail, in both black and grey and colour. Rah tattoos realism, pop culture, macabre...you name it, he can do it. He can nail any concept with a finesse that will blow your mind!


How long have you been tattooing professionally for?
I’m up to 15 years professionally tattooing, no chance of stopping.
Where did you grow up and how long have you been tattooing in QLD for?
I was born and grew up in North Queensland, in Cairns. I left Cairns to move to Brisbane and have basically been based here ever since. I have always tattooed in QLD, for the exception of some trips around the world to tattoo in other countries.
Did you do an apprenticeship or are you self taught?
My whole career has been professional, began in a shop and has been ever since.
What style do you prefer to tattoo?
I do mostly realism and macabre based art. but really get into my sci-fi stuff when my clients let me.
Do you practice any other forms of artistic mediums?
I have tried my hands at many forms, but I always come back to pencils, either colour or graphite.
What do you like to do when you are not tattooing?
I spend most of my time tattooing. When I am not working, I try to stay fit and work on my artwork at home. I am usually planning for my next world wide adventure!
What is the best advice you have for someone looking to start collecting some quality tattoo art?
Hit instagram and find a great artist. Do your research on what style you’re looking for.
Tattoos are there forever, you need to find who’s art you’re going to still be happy looking at in 20 years.